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Shenton College Business Plan: Shenton 2025
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Powerful Learners

At Shenton College, our work is underpinned by our belief that we are all capable of growth and learning, and have the right to the appropriate support. A high-quality learning environment is one where all learners reflect on where they are at, know where they need to go to improve and understand how to get there.

We commit to supporting learning in our community by:

  • Making the learning process engaging, explicit and visible
  • Developing our understandings of how we learn best
  • Maintaining safe learning environments, where academic challenge is provided and responsible risk-taking is encouraged
  • Recognising that every individual’s learning journey is a life-long endeavour
  • Supporting strategic professional learning aligned with our areas of focus
  • Fostering a culture where learners take responsibility for the active role they play in their own learning.

Strategies & Milestones

Ensure that all members of our community have the appropriate study skills to be able to proactively manage their engagement in learning

  • Scope and sequence for study skills established
  • Key milestones recognised (transitions, exams etc.) and supported by explicit teaching moments of relevant skills

Ensure that our assessment practices provide the best possible opportunity for all our learners to demonstrate their knowledge, skills and understanding

  • Ongoing review of Assessment Outlines and practices to ensure that assessments meet the requirements of SCSA Principles of Assessment
  • Ongoing review of the number of assessments in alignment with course requirements and learning needs
  • Differentiation of assessment tasks, where appropriate, to ensure fair and equitable opportunities for students to demonstrate their skills and understanding of curricula
  • Assessment and feedback transparency shared with our parent community through Compass via Learning Tasks
  • Ensuring in all learning opportunities, that students are clear in understanding what success looks like

Develop and embed an approach that builds the capacity of all our learners to self-reflect on their learning needs, responsibilities and mindsets

  • Appropriate program(s) established by key staff
  • PL delivered to all staff and awareness raised within the wider community
  • Programs established in curriculum planning across all year groups and cohorts

Foster and embed a culture of curiosity, questioning, thinking and intellectual risk-taking

  • Develop professional learning opportunities to support staff understanding and implementation of meta-cognitive practices in their planning for learning
  • Structures for shared practice and feedback to support cultures of curiosity, questioning and thinking in the classroom and planning developed for staff
  • PLCs supported to build staff capacity
  • Strategic support for safe but accountable classroom climates