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Shenton College Business Plan: Shenton 2025
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Connected Teachers

At Shenton College, we believe that high-quality teachers are skilled in connecting curriculum content knowledge, pedagogical understandings, instructional strategies, and effective classroom management.  At the same time, they build the positive relationships that form the foundation of learning. Our teachers remain students of their own practice and are reflective on their progress.

At Shenton College we understand that building a high quality teaching culture means:

  • Having a shared language and understanding of a teacher’s responsibility in student learning
  • Collaborating with others, and the wider community, to provide rich learning opportunities for all students
  • Knowing our students and how they learn
  • Reflecting on and analysing our impact on student learning
  • The giving and receiving of quality, growth-centred feedback for both staff and students
  • Ensuring inclusive, responsive and differentiated learning opportunities for each and every student.

Strategies & Milestones

Formalise and embed a shared understanding of how instruction influences successful student learning

  • Instructional Leadership working party extended to new cohorts and strategies embedded into the College teaching community
  • PL for staff is supported and promoted to ensure a shared understanding of what constitutes highly effective learning
  • A range of instructional strategies is shared across the school so that teachers have a repertoire of contextually-specific best practices to draw upon
  • The selection and use of these strategies is embedded as the basis for feedback on professional practice

Consolidate and embed the culture of Professional Learning Communities  – aligned to Business Plan focus areas and strategies

  • Active engagement in PLCs by staff is encouraged and acknowledged through Staff Learning Profiles
  • Each PLC develops a strategic plan to advise the Principal
  • Role of PLCs recognised in our REACH process

Support Learning Area and whole-school approaches to building student capacity in the General Capabilities

  • Whole-school approaches are developed by key staff and working parties – across all 7 General Capabilities
  • Each LA audits their curriculum documents to embed whole-school approaches to the General Capabilities
  • General Capabilities focus clearly articulated in LA planning documents and Outlines

Support positive and inclusive classroom relationships and climates

  • Classroom Climate Working Party develops coaching capacity of a staff cohort
  • Coaches work alongside staff to develop a consistent and broad understanding of classroom management skills and the role they play influencing safe and accountable classroom climates
  • These skills sets become a commonly shared language for recognising, describing and sharing best practice

Deepen the culture of reflective practices in our teaching staff

  • Ensure that all staff have the support they need to effectively access and interpret relevant data about the impact of their teaching practice e.g. SAIS, RTP, Attendance, Compass, NAPLAN, PIVOT etc.
  • REACH documentation reviewed to ensure contextual relevance
  • Differentiation present in documentation to meet teachers at their point of need
  • Clear focus on productive and constructive feedback conversations and strengthening reflective practices
  • REACH process, with a focus on strategic alignment to the Business Plan and explicit professional learning on the giving and receiving of feedback

Ensure staff are skilled in providing differentiated teaching, learning, assessment and reporting opportunities to support all students to experience success

  • Relevant PL completed by appropriate staff
  • Key PL learning delivered to all staff, in-house
  • Focus areas include Gifted and Talented, Trauma, Autism, ADHD, Specific Learning Disorders, FASD (and others as identified)
  • Build staff understanding and expertise in SEN assessment and reporting, linked to IESP targets

Ensure that high-quality professional practice from teachers who embody the thinking, reflective and learning dispositions we desire from our students is modelled to our staff

  • Showcase moments provided for staff to share exemplary practice
  • Consistent, informed ownership and strategic use of data by teachers and LAs
  • Ongoing refinement of courses, assessment outlines and reporting practices to ensure high expectations of excellence, equity of access and student engagement are evident in the daily life of the school

Support staff in becoming increasingly skilled in the innovative and strategic use of technology in the delivery of their teaching and learning programs

  • PL for all staff on innovative practices for classroom and remote delivery
  • IT Support review of the tiered framework of supported services and educational tools
  • Development of non-negotiable core practices, alongside strategies that support teacher-led innovation