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Shenton College Business Plan: Shenton 2025
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Successful Students

At Shenton College, each and every student is welcomed, encouraged, and celebrated and their uniqueness is recognised and valued. We understand the foundation for encouraging successful students is a strong sense of belonging and connectedness to the school values. Success is not a fixed benchmark, but a demonstrated commitment to striving for your personal best.

We believe that every member of our community has an integral role to play in supporting our students to:

  • Build empathy, resilience and self-efficacy
  • Develop the skills to self-regulate
  • Know and care about themselves
  • Understand their responsibility to positively influence their communities
  • Seek out opportunities for social, emotional and academic growth
  • Be reflective on their progress.

Strategies & Milestones

Deepen the culture of reflection on individual learning progress within the full range of diversity across our student cohort

  • our students, across all developmental phases
  • Building a culture of productive conversations – peer to peer, teacher with student, and parent with student
  • Ensure that feedback processes are constructive, with clear direction on improvement and growth
  • Develop student understanding of their own agency in the learning process

Promote the Act/Belong/Commit strategic focus of the school

  • Student Support Strategic Plan formalised and identified national/state level mental health and wellbeing initiatives and frameworks mapped across school planning
  • Student Support Strategic Plan embedded across all key stakeholders who hold a role in building student empathy, resilience and efficacy
  • Appropriate PL identified and engaged in by key Student Support staff, Year Leaders and educational leaders in the College
  • Ongoing review of the 7-12 Mentor Program to ensure it addresses community need and remains contemporary and relevant
  • Implementation of a Parent Support Speakers program to build parental understanding and skills in supporting adolescent development

Encourage active student citizenship, community engagement and dual cultural leadership

  • Age-appropriate opportunities identified for citizenship and service-learning opportunities across the school
  • Establishment of coordinated cross-year group mentoring opportunities for student peers
  • Extension of the student club culture into the Senior School, with developmentally appropriate adaptations
  • Establishment of Girls in Leadership and Boys in Leadership strategies to build self-awareness of student leadership potential
  • Establishment of a Dual Cultural Leadership group to develop students’ cultural responsiveness and understanding

Strategically support the full range of students to engage in a broad selection of co-curricular opportunities

  • Completed review of existing opportunities and analysis of demographics of participants to inform areas for development
  • Identification of underrepresented groups within our community
  • Targeted promotion of and recruitment for new opportunities, considering those identified underrepresented groups

Strengthen the strategic approach to increasing student regular attendance

  • Improved analysis of regular attendance data
  • Identification and intervention strategies developed for at-risk students (those with regular attendance below 90%)

Renew course counselling and career development processes to ensure successful pathways, support student wellbeing and independence, and prepare students for a life of contribution beyond school

  • Audit of current career development mapped across the years
  • Whole school career development plan Y7-12
  • Continued PL for course counsellors to ensure contemporary knowledge and understandings of system initiatives

Develop and embed a process for recording, recognising and celebrating student contributions to the wider school culture and community

  • Formulate Student Learner profiles to capture student success, learning and contribution beyond the classroom, particularly where students have exemplified the values of the College
  • Identify and develop a digital medium to micro-credential community engagement, leadership and commitment to the school values