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Engaged Leaders
At Shenton College we believe that leadership functions at every level of the school and that effective leaders, whatever their role in our community, are central to improving our cultures of inclusivity, learning and growth.
We are committed to developing high-quality leadership across the College and providing opportunities for growth through:
- Acknowledging that embedded in every role, there is an element of leadership
- Promotion of our students’ voice and a shared role in decision-making about their school community
- Supporting active involvement in school and system-wide leadership
- Creating the enabling conditions necessary for strengthening student outcomes and improving the effectiveness of classroom teaching
- Promoting the school-wide collection and use of quality data to identify starting points for action, to set goals for improvement, monitor changes over time, and to evaluate the impact of actions and decisions to improve learning outcomes and wellbeing.
- Ensuring strong, purposeful relationships between all members of the school community, focused on the common objective of meeting every student’s learning needs and seeing all students learning successfully.
Strategies & Milestones
Sustain the use of the GROWTH Coaching model across the College
- GROWTH Coaching PL for all L3+ admin in the College
- Establish a cohort of Accredited GROWTH Coaches within our staff
- GROWTH Coaching strategy integral to the frameworks used to inform all Performance Development conversations in the College and visible in REACH
Sustain and renew our aspirant leadership program for staff
- Stage Two of our Aspirant Leadership Program initiated
- Identification of new staff cohort
- Staff PL in the use of data as a tool for identifying areas of focus and measures of impact develops staff capacity to analyse their practice
- Connections formed with tertiary institutions for accredited learning
Develop a program to facilitate alumni mentoring/coaching roles for current students
- Develop the strength of our alumni register
- Identify areas of value for mentor/coach relationships
- Development and implementation of a training program to upskill peer mentors
- Strengthening of existing mentoring programs with the school – e.g. AIME, EdConnect, Debating, Study Club, Follow the Dream
Develop and implement a strategic plan around a broad approach to providing new student leadership opportunities
- Review of existing opportunities and analysis of demographics of participants to inform areas for development
- Targeted promotion of and recruitment for other opportunities
- Student Clubs across the school explicitly articulate the leadership opportunities they provide
- Leadership goals of the Dandjoo Djena Koorliny implemented – Dual Cultural Leadership development and immersive cultural experiences
Broaden the leadership culture of the College so that staff and students enact change
- Establish school structures and processes that encourage participatory decision making, and engage staff and students in leading the continued development of the College
- Working parties established in the key target areas of leadership growth in the College – e.g. Boys in Leadership, Girls in Leadership, Dual Cultural Leadership
- Data workshops developed to help staff interpret and make use of the various data points available, both for identifying areas of focus and as a measure of our impact